Streamlined Web Development
Over the last years, we have developed our own system of resource-efficient web development. We are confident that we have perfected the art and science of collaborative web design and development process.
We offer the best solutions to your web development needs. Whether you require a full-blown eCommerce hub, a simple business portal, or a web design renovation, IPCS can pave the path towards the achievement of your goals.
IPCS work best with WordPress development and have a long-standing knowledge and experience in customizing WordPress themes and plugins for every business. Notwithstanding, IPCS can also work around the content management system of your choice. We can also do HTML and PHP development from scratch and deliver satisfying outputs.
It really all depend on your business needs and goals, your resources, and your very own ideas. In fact, your ideas are the cornerstones of our web development process.
Developing Websites the IPCS Way
Web development, for us, is an iterative process of planning, development, and feedback. Our pipeline starts with an initial consultation phase and ends with a final collaboration stage.
1. Initial Phase. We go through a methodical analysis your business, determining what it requires of your online portal. We will jointly analyze your targets and goals and come up with an initial idea for your business website. At this stage, we shall also identify the right content management system for you and the right marketing strategies to increase your website’s traffic. When we have finalized an initial layout of solutions for you, we consult with you again until we are sure that each of our step and target is achievable and time-bound.
2. Designing Usability. Our second iteration will involve designing your website’s user interface. One of the major considerations in developing smarter web design is how a user will navigate through it. Once we have agreed upon the best interface that will allow for smoother business transactions over your website, we can then proceed with the next stage.
3. Designing Appearance. The look and feel of your website comes next after user experience. This is where we plan together how your brand can be reflected through your website’s layout, color palette, and even font. When you are already happy with our plan, that is when will proceed with the actual development of your website.
4. Collaborative Development. Even our development phase is an iterative stage of consultation with the client. Our team of experts have the proper technical knowhow in web development. However, you have the fundamental knowledge of your business that is why working in close partnership with you is important to us.
5. Complete Turnover. The final stage of our unique process is still composed of both our expert consultancy and your active participation. We will work hand in hand towards the 100 percent turnover of your website. Our goal is to give you full control of your business portal. That is why we should have identified the right content management system that suits your technical capabilities and business functions early on.
With our extensive, streamlined, but flexible web development process, we assure our every client that no time, effort, or money is wasted on our partnership. We guarantee full-scale involvement from both sides and maintain a high regard for your ideas and feedback. Through our system, you can expect faster development and satisfying results as well as efficiency in each resource aspect.
The IPCS way promises less errors, less contingent expenses, better outputs, increased traffic, and better business performance. At IPCS, we know how to take care of our clients and walk we them through every step of their success’ way.
Do you want to partner with us for your web development project? Contact us by clicking Here and we will talk about how we can work together towards building a strong digital foothold for your business.